Sexy Girl

~ by nicodimattia on February 19, 2008.

46 Responses to “Sexy Girl”

  1. Amazing as always 🙂
    I really enjoy your work.
    You are the best artist I know…
    I’m wating for tutorials 😉

  2. Nice Blog! 🙂

  3. nice work wish u could tell me your steps of how u doing this .i am learning photoshop too .i can show my first work .and again wonderful work .

  4. ouaou nice work i want u to tell me step by step what u’ve done.i’m joking wish u could tell me .

  5. nice work 🙂 really liked it a lot! in my opinion you shouldn’t “dress” her 😀
    i wonder is there somewhere full version of your speed painting’s videos 🙂 because youtube is absence of quality if you know what i mean. Need HDTV 😀

  6. Wow! exelente! tus dibujos son impresionantes… queria decirte que gracias a tus videos empeze a dibujar con photoshop (obviamente no tan zarpado), me inspiras mucho… saludos de Bariloche

    Como decian antes tambien estaria bueno que hagas un tutorial o algo para enseñar algunos buenos trucos con photoshop… suerte!

  7. eccellente

  8. Since I have discovered you’re wonderful work, you are my model, my mentor, my master xD

    I work every day to trying to have a final render like you, but i’m very far away of this for the moment ^^

    Well, like always, I love your work and admirate your skill.

    Sorry for my poor english, i’m French 😉

  9. i saw ur videos on youtube, and ur just amazing!
    wish ur all the best
    ur cvk

  10. you should make a tutorial how to paint like that. It’s breath-taking

  11. I also seen you off of youtube and you have some talent!

  12. BRILLIANT!!!!!

  13. jeez, I wondered cuz ur old website was gone! Lucky me I found the new one! Amazing work! I’m going to watch every single vid and pic u post!

  14. Hi!
    You’re a divine GOD!
    Your work is just amazing!
    Do some day you’ll make a tutorial?
    Thanks to you, good luck for the next 😉

  15. It looks so real. I’m amazed.
    Keep doing this good work.


  16. Very interesting.

  17. muy buenos trabajos de hecho = ke alguno de mas arriba empese a pintar o mejor dicho ilustrar en photoshop pero aun no encuentro la mejor tecnica seria bueno ver algun tutorial o algo asi bueno sige asi saludos desde chile

  18. Nice. She is so realy. 0_o

    Good luck,

  19. Excelentes trabajos.
    Felicitaciones !!!

  20. I really enjoy the videos and your technique is impressive. I think you didn’t pay enough attention to her hips– too flat. They fade into the background and are slightly misshapen. everthing else is very impressive.

  21. Bravo!

  22. Superb. The rendering of the hands and fingers is absolutely spot on, in my opinion the most difficult part of the body to draw and achieve such perfect realism. Congratulations

  23. YOur the best artist I know! Not inclueding you know people like Learnado da vinci!

    Keep up your good work!

  24. […] (Y la tapa, la excelente tapa, es obra de este cristiano). […]

  25. Sos un genio Nico!!!! Me encantó tu trabajo! Y me encantó también la portada del libro de José. Cuánto talento tenés!!
    Te felicito!

    Congratulations! I wish you the best!

  26. blimey!!

  27. hey how do u do it i mean i want to do a speed painting but idk how to get it on the computer?

  28. Tan lindos ojos que le hiciste y le pusiste lentes (que no están nada mal), pero se los tapa.
    El toque del arma y el fondo, fantástico.


  29. Hi,my name is Majkl.Your artwork are beautiful.Please,what is that music – Sexy girl?Thank you for your answer.

  30. She have big teeth!

  31. halimaw ka kuya!!!!

  32. Hi Nico
    I stumbled across your work on You Tube and then found your site.
    I think you’re a very talented guy and your work is unbelievably brilliant. This is some of the best art I have ever seen using a computer programme and mouse, absolutely fantastic!
    I wish you all the best in the future and hope something really good comes from this as you deserve it.
    Keep up the good work.
    All the best.


  33. did u like having a real photo of her when u do this?
    coz how did u choose the right tone?

  34. U are the Diego Armando Maradona from the draws!

  35. You are my hero

  36. nice job, thats fucking amazing. looks real. you need to start some tuts! 🙂

  37. La grande classe ! magnique !
    Je ne connaissais pas le speeed painting mais je suis toujours aussi surpris par ces artistes talentueux.

  38. Looks amazing! The hair is my favourite part, semi-wet so a little stringy 🙂 Very detailed.
    I actually liked how with each re-sketch her boobs got bigger and bigger. Hehe… very nice job.

  39. Thos t*ts are the best i think ive ever seen in my life! why couldent u draw her body first then draw the cloths ontop????

  40. C’est TERRIBLE ce Talent !!!! Magnifique !!!!!

  41. Hello, i am big fan of your works. I would like to know what application that you use to make these great arts.

  42. This is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

  43. Try drawing her WITHOUT the bra! jk or am i?

  44. Amazing drawing skills, excellent photoshop skills. Congratulations Nico! Im wondering how many layers do u have after a drawing. I don’t wanna think about it lol

  45. Brilliant!
    i have a question:Can you make Cars Tuned cars that is amazing if you can i want to see cars what YOU are maden.

  46. […] (Y la tapa, la excelente tapa, es obra de este cristiano). […]

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